Upcoming Yo Soy Supper dates!
Friday, March 14, 2014 at 5:12PM
Yo Soy

Hello all! 

We are completely stoked about our "Viva Selena" supper being sold out this Sunday, and we do have a few names on "stand by" for any last minute cancellations. For those who were unable to snatch up your seats for this supper here is a list of upcoming dates for a head's up:

Our dates for April and May will be the following:

APRIL 12TH AND 13TH  7:00 PM

MAY 3RD AND 4TH        7:00 PM

the link to purchsae seats will be up over the next few days, so stay tuned! 

Article originally appeared on Food + Art (http://yosoy.squarespace.com/).
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