A bit about Yo Soy Underground supper :
We host unique dining experiences at museums, art galleries, cafés, private homes, and other non-traditional settings with the goal of redefining the way we dine and connect with food. Yo Soy's "Mexican Inspired" menu is theme-based and carefully assembled drawing from our travels, holidays, and other unique ideas not normally explored by restaurants. 
The term "Underground Supper" refers to the fact that the culinary experiences created by Yo Soy are constantly on the move, and have a high elusive factor. The "Pop-Up Suppers" are more defined by the meal being held at numerous locations around the city of Chicago. Yo Soy "Pop Up's" are in traditional, or non-traditional restaurant locations and create experiences that are sometimes "one-time" only events or an ongoing once a month visiting chef experience. The setting of the meals consists of communal tables of food lovers, artists, adventurous diners, etc,. Diners are notified via social media or word of mouth about the supper, and are typically given disclosure of the location eight hours before the event is to take place. Seats to the events are available only through our website and limited in availability.
Yo Soy Underground Supper is a labor of love that has allowed foodies, friends and strangers to gather over the past five years, allowing us the opportunity to experiment with different recipes and menu items that we hope to one day showcase in our very own restaurant. We cannot wait to meet and feed you! 




Entries by Yo Soy (162)

yo soy "gracias giving" wrap up!

Check out the pics from our "Gracias Giving" supper! It was fantastic to spend a night of giving thanks, er, gracias and practice our eating skills for the big holiday coming up! Not to mention the diners that were in attendance that night were nothing but pure treats! And please, please do not even get me started on the performance from Sami Grisafe! She was the icing on the cake! Being that December is a heavy holiday party month, we have the month reserved for private parties and will return to suppers open to all in January. However, we will be posting up until then to keep you updated on some of the events happening with us, i.e. our return to DOSE MARKET 12.15.13! 

P.S. - If you are in the market for holiday catering, we still have some available dates! Don't be shy, drop us a line! 

P.S.S. - Looking for a holiday gift for a friend who loves great food? Give them a Yo Soy gift certificate! available here: http://yosoy.squarespace.com/gift-certificates/

seats for SATURDAY 11.23.13 available!

whatcha waitin' on, turkey?! celebrate Thanksgiving early here in the city with a special meal designed around this feast-oriented holiday! grab your seat for our november supper and indulge in FIVE amazing courses of delicious fall forward, Thanksgiving-energized menu items, all, of course, with the cuisine of inspired-mexican deliciousness. we will guarantee to make this a nice practice day of eating to prep you for game day on Thanksgiving! seats are limited for this meal, so pick them before they are all "gobbled" up!



location revealed the day of supper via email


$55.00 (tax and grat not inluded)

singer/songwriter performance

5 courses, welcome cocktail

7pm (meal lasts roughly 2hours)


P.S.- check out our latest interview on Gapers Block! pretty cool coverage of our recent supper! CLICK HERE!






Yo Soy "DIA DE LOS MUERTOS" wrap-up!

Our annual Dia de los Muertos supper was a hit! In true spirit of the celebration, we honored loved ones who are no longer with us, and we celebrated their life! In the a la "yo soy way" of celebrating life, we ate (a little too much) and drank (a little too much) the night away, with a nice top off musical performance by manny capozzi! It was fantastic!  The menu title was "the celebration of life" and all things that make for awesome moments in a lifetime, with two dedicated courses to our grandparents (Brian's Grandpa Ken and Mikey's Grammy). Admittedly, the celebration was early since Dia de los Muertos falls on November 2nd, but we just couldn't wait! In proper ritual of Dia de los Muertos, we had an ofrenda for the Yo Soy grandparents, and we invited guests bring an item to place on the altar for the evening to share the celebration of one of their loved ones that had passed as well.(Thanks wikipedia: An ofrenda (Spanish: "offering") is a collection of objects placed on a ritual altar during the annual and traditionally Mexican Dia de los Muertos celebration). That part was a truly magical part of the evening, it reminded us to live life and truly enjoy every single drop of it! 


Stay tuned for the November date, we will release the date by end of October!  


Yo Soy "DIA DE LOS MUERTOS" Supper! 

It is so near I can almost taste the sugar skulls now! Our third annual "Dia De Los Muertos" supper is all about the celebration of life and the cherished memories of great times with loved ones who have passed. Join us as we drink, eat and toast the night away to life and all of it's deliciousness! This supper is always one that is boisterous enough to wake the dead, so make sure you grab your seat soon to be part of it! 

UPDATE : 10.25.13- SOLD OUT, please check back for future suppers! 

UPDATE: 09.21.13 postponed

Hello Yo Soyer's!

We have had a minor change in the date and venue for our "VIVA LA INDEPENDENCIA" supper. We will post the date and location for the supper in the next few days, so please stay tuned!

NOTE: apologies to all who have made plans for the 21st supper, we promise to make it up to you! 

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