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yo soy "gracias giving" wrap up!

Check out the pics from our "Gracias Giving" supper! It was fantastic to spend a night of giving thanks, er, gracias and practice our eating skills for the big holiday coming up! Not to mention the diners that were in attendance that night were nothing but pure treats! And please, please do not even get me started on the performance from Sami Grisafe! She was the icing on the cake! Being that December is a heavy holiday party month, we have the month reserved for private parties and will return to suppers open to all in January. However, we will be posting up until then to keep you updated on some of the events happening with us, i.e. our return to DOSE MARKET 12.15.13! 

P.S. - If you are in the market for holiday catering, we still have some available dates! Don't be shy, drop us a line! 

P.S.S. - Looking for a holiday gift for a friend who loves great food? Give them a Yo Soy gift certificate! available here: http://yosoy.squarespace.com/gift-certificates/

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