« SUNDAY FUNDAY 12.06.09! | Main | Expanding our horizons! »

Yo Soy Fall dinner, 12-6-09

We are excited to be planning our next dinner on Sunday December the sixth! We have been ramping up on what the season is offering us and the techniques that befit these ingredients. So as the weather cools down, we slow down in the kitchen. Slow braising, roasting, curing and pickling will be surfacing more and more as we tumble from fall into winter, and with this the pantry will be stocked with beautiful squashes, hearty root vegetables and comforting fruits. The dinner on the 6th will be a four course affair for $50, we are  tentatively looking forward to starting off with adobo rubbed squash and apple with crispy pancetta, moving into a salad with spice roasted pears and moving into a slow-roasted pork dish in the 'cochinita pibil' style, a popular Yucatan dish flavored with annatto paste and citrus. Dessert will revolve around spiced chocolate, with a few surprises! For any non-meat eaters don't be intimidated by the menu! We always offer vegetarian dishes and welcome you to enjoy dinner with us. For any more questions please feel free to contact us through the site, To reserve a seat send us an e-mail and we will proceed from there. We look forward to meeting you all and sharing this meal with you! Cheers!

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  • Response
    Response: 台灣大樂透
    Awesome article, thank You !!

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