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the tasting menu for tomorrow's event is set in stone! during "tasting" parties we feature dishes that we are going to be presenting on upcoming menus in a more "cocktail party" environment. we invite past diners, as well as future, there is no table, just small portioned passed plates and a lot of food discussion. we will still have a small performance so that there is a small glimpse into what the full dinners are like. the tasting being held today is for the 08.29.10 dinner that will include the following items:

* chinese pork tamales with corn and poblano salsa *

* honey chipotle 5 spice fried chicken + asian potato salad  *

* mango + white pepper paletas * 

the performer at this tasting is a past performer, stephen leonard, who is amazingly talented. 

also, there will be a surprise guest that will be here to document the whole event! so, be on the look-out for upcoming pictures, and video of this sure to be deliciously fun event! 


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