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"BEET THE HEAT" wrap up!

Last night was fantastic! We put together a great meal, all with beets being the main ingredient and Mexican cuisine being the base we play off of. The creations were everything from a bright fuchsia hued beet cheese that filled our "Quesabeetla's" to the Russian chilled Borscht-inspired "From Russia con Amor" course. The course we were most terrified in making with beets was the sweet course, However, it turned out to be one of the most loved part of the menu. Who would've thunk a beet parfait would be the "root" of our smiles for the rest of the night! To add sweet on top of sweet, we had performer, Chadwick Stadt, enhance the night with his beautiful vocal talent. We thoroughly enjoyed the company that was in attendance as well, they were equally as bright and colorful as the beets we were serving! Stay posted for the August date and to keep up with what we have around the corner!  Check out the menu (and visuals in our "pics+menus and such"section):

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