A bit about Yo Soy Underground supper :
We host unique dining experiences at museums, art galleries, cafés, private homes, and other non-traditional settings with the goal of redefining the way we dine and connect with food. Yo Soy's "Mexican Inspired" menu is theme-based and carefully assembled drawing from our travels, holidays, and other unique ideas not normally explored by restaurants. 
The term "Underground Supper" refers to the fact that the culinary experiences created by Yo Soy are constantly on the move, and have a high elusive factor. The "Pop-Up Suppers" are more defined by the meal being held at numerous locations around the city of Chicago. Yo Soy "Pop Up's" are in traditional, or non-traditional restaurant locations and create experiences that are sometimes "one-time" only events or an ongoing once a month visiting chef experience. The setting of the meals consists of communal tables of food lovers, artists, adventurous diners, etc,. Diners are notified via social media or word of mouth about the supper, and are typically given disclosure of the location eight hours before the event is to take place. Seats to the events are available only through our website and limited in availability.
Yo Soy Underground Supper is a labor of love that has allowed foodies, friends and strangers to gather over the past five years, allowing us the opportunity to experiment with different recipes and menu items that we hope to one day showcase in our very own restaurant. We cannot wait to meet and feed you! 




Entries by Yo Soy (162)

August tasting

With summer in full swing, and the two of us reeling from our recent trip to San Francisco we are excited to experiment with some new recipes. We have had tons of inspiration from California to the festivals at our door step. All of the food out west was incredible, with such a focus on the local bounty and a general casual air it felt intoxicating! So with our minds churning we are focusing on street foods, summer and good times! With such diversity in portable foods it will be challenging to edit though we are excited at this thought! So without further ado, this Sunday the 15th we will be hosting a tasting at the usual YOSOY site. There even will be a surprise guest! We look forward to seeing you all then, meanwhile we will be thinking of corn, peppers, plums, tomatoes, tacos, fried chicken and more!

july dinner recap!

dinner that beautiful sunday evening was absolutely amazing! we started off with the plum + avocado margarita that everyone was a little surprised (happily) by and paired it with the bright, zesty ceviche being passed around! the group was thoroughly excited when it came down to the first course, as everyone was eagerly anticipating the menu we had posted in their "welcome" email. the beet salad was a hit (well, except for Dr. Sal who despises them! sorry sal!) and wondrous, as most diners didn't know beets came in different colors (white, yellow, red). the fish tacos that were served as the 3rd course were artfully wrapped in chinese newspaper and foil for the presentation with fresh cod from whole foods. i think the main dish took the spotlight with each table asking for seconds and thirds! we served the ginger chile ribs with sweet potatoes topped off with fresh apricots and local farmed maple! the grilled zucchini paired well with these bold flavors to act as a thread to pull the two dishes together in a seamless main course. dessert being homemade orange chile dark chocolate with shortbread and local cherry glaze was a perfect summer touch to this meal with chinese and mexican chefs sure to agree!

the next event we are going to do is a tasting for the dinner on august 29th. the tasting will happen on august. 15th , we are sending a call out to all former diners who want to give some feedback and try some great food to contact us asap, as we only have space for about 15 of you! ken, i know we will see you here! and jen and steph, girls get in here! also, doug, stephen, geoffrey, we hope to see your gleaming faces in attendance.

til' then!

mikey + brian 

Menu for July 25th 2010

We are excited to officially have our menu completed for this coming Sunday! Working closely with some amazing farmers and markets we have sourced some pretty beautiful products that we are beginning to transform! Expect to see summer squash, cabbage, plums and greens from John Peterson at Angelic organics up in Caledonia. Beets, perslane, peppers, radishes, potatoes, herbs and tomatoes from Nichols Farm in Marengo IL. Maple syrup and Sorghum from Tim and Angie Burton down in Medora In. Pork from Jude Becker in Dyersvill IO. And of course Mick Klug, in St. Joseph MI and his amazing berries. Though these are just some of the farmers we love to support the list certainly goes on, all of that being said lets get down to the menu.

For the cocktail hour we will be serving a plum margarita with the ceviche as a passed hors d'oeuvres. the rest is as follows: 


octopus. scallop. shrimp. yellow pepper. ginger. aji amarillo.



fornello, gold, and chioggia. pickled watermelon rind. spring onion. perslane. 


fish tacos

green chilies. crema. daikon. bok choy. 


pork ribs

chinese-mexican glaze. zucchini-heirloom tomato, asian pesto. sweet potato and apricot, maple, chili.


ice cream sandwich

aztec ice cream. cinnamon. cherry. black tea. pepitas. 



We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of days, until then let the cooking begin!


07.25.10 dinner + b.y.o.b. + performer announced!



everyone, start your wine-ing, yo soy is going b.y.o.b. (don't fret too much, we will still have a signature cocktail that we provide for the meet and greet hour)! KAFKA Wine Co. is located literally doors away from where all of our dinners are held! they pride themselves on over 250 wines under $15, and they are amazing! Joe, Michael, and alex (owners +employee) are fantastic at pairing of wine and food, and we are lucky that their wine store is our neighbor. they are located at 3325 n halsted (halsted and buckigham) and they will be more than glad to help with the bottles that will be best suited for the dinner. so, if you got your seat already, make sure you stop by on your way to the july.25th dinner and tell them you are on your way to the yo soy dinner and they will guide you! if you have yet to get your seat, hurry! hurry! hurry!

so, last sunday we had the pleasure of meeting jen st. stjärna at stephen leonard's "unpugged" sessions at wild pug tuesday. She has an amazing "tori amos-esque" style about her, but with her own twist of sultriness. while listening to her we realized we had been so concerned about the menu, and our upcoming trip to san francisco, that we still had yet to get a performer for our july.25th dinner! luckily for us, she had already heard about us and was more than happy to sing for our guests! we can hardly wait for you all to see and hear her for yourselves! 



off to the market we go!

we wanted to post a quick update on our farmers market visit:

after visiting the Green City market this past weekend, we have come up with some great menu items for the july.25th dinner. Whenever possible, we source all of our dinner ingredients from local markets, just to keep it real! there were so many yummy, fresh, colorful items out in full bloom! a quick little glimpse into our next menu has a fresh Nichols Farm beet salad,  main course of Jude Becker's ribs, and a fantastic dessert of homemade ice cream sandwiches with fresh Michigan cherries from Klug, -thought their blueberries were outstanding as well! and this early in the summer? YES! -chocolate, and vanilla! the complete menu will be posted this week! we are busy creating and tasting! til' then!


mikey + brian