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"goodie" dinner..a new term coined for the gay foodie!

Hello all! So, it has been a while since we have posted a blog, and much apologies! but from here on out, promises of much more , and more frequency is what we swear! We have been sidetracked by so many other things happening in our lives, that we have decided to get back into full swing by doing one of our infamous monthly dinners scheduled for october.25th, 2009! We will be presenting a 4 course dinner, served family style, with wine pairings! we are asking for a suggested donation of $50 per person, just to cover our costs, but the evening is chock full of promises of great food, discussion, music and company! We are excited as well about the change in seasons, it is beyond our control, so we have no other option! But, as we are huge fans of squash and all of its various relatives, we look forward to presenting our signature mexican + chinese cuisine with the fresh fall produce. 

As for the term "goodie" being a gay foodie, was influenced by my recent adventures (mikey). I recently took part in the National Equality March in Washington D.C., where I was fortunate enough to be in the front lines documenting the movement first hand! I have always pushed brian to acknowledge the fact that we are gay people wanting to open a place in a gay neighborhood, boasting the fact that we, as a minority group, are doing it for ourselves, and always believed in the support our community would reciprocate and appreciate. He (brian) has not always been on that same bandwagon, but after the visit to D.C., we have a renewed vigor for our community, and wanted to be surrounded with like minds in a place where we can celebrate or various degrees of beauty over an appreciation for creative food! So, after googling gay foodies chicago, I came up with no groups I could contact, and being in the creative field, my eyes saw a great opportunity for a fun word used for people in the GLBT community who love food as much as we do, but also would like to meet new people in a less awkward situation, and "goodie" was born. As far as I know, no one else has coined this term, so I would like to think we are pioneers in the use of this term, and it's idea! Now, do not get us wrong, we do not want to isolate ourselves, and we are most definitely open to having hetero's over for dinner that are serious about food and fun, but we just want to create an atmosphere that has  "bold, beautiful personalites" coming together over "bold, beautiful food". 

So please email us with a quick 3 lined email telling us about yourself, and then in turn we will let you know if there is still room at our table! We will send out an email Wednesday October.21st letting you know if we had room for you, or if we need to put you on our next list.

xoxox my fellow goodies!

-mikey and brian

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