So, the day of the dead is coming up, and we are excited. There are many latin american traditions for this day, and each one is just as meaningful as the next, but the core is remembrance. So, the way my family used to celebrate it was through "all souls day" which is basically the catholic version of the celebration, but with much more prayer, and a lot less booze and food. You would typically go to the graves of your loved ones and clean it and put fresh flowers as well as candles (they acted as beacons for the souls) and you would pray all day. I particularly like the "dia de los muertos" celebration which is November 1st and 2nd, because it's much more festive. This is the CELEBRATION of deceased loved ones memories and favorite things! So, just imagine, 2 days out of the whole year where it is encouraged to celebrate the fun times, the favorite music, food and even the dress of some of the people you hold close to your heart, that are no longer with us. I love it! The use of bright colors on food, the marigolds that are used to place at homemade altars throughout homes, the mariachi music, and of course, the tequila! I have always said that when i die, i do not want a funeral , i want a celebration! after all, the first three letters of funeral are FUN! You should celebrate the life people led and the memories that will never die. So, this weekend, while the majority of people are gearing up for October.31st, we will be anxiously awaiting November 1st and 2nd, so that we may light all my saint candles, prepare colorful foods with our friends, and make the favorite dishes that i learned to cook at my grammy's house. We will also sit around and eat, and tell stories to each other about our past loved ones, become closer as we get to know parts of our friends we do not normally see, and we will also plan out our menu for our offering when our time has come. I know, I know, some people reading this are probably thinking that is kinda morbid, but it is life, and life is a celebration, and to make sure a celebration is successful it takes planning!
salud to vida! salud to familia! salud to comida! salud to tequila!
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