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welcome 2010!

what better way to welcome in the new year than with a very nice tangerine and thyme cocktail! brian has created, yet again, a fantastic libation! we call it the "T-n-T"! it was a fantastic drink to sip on while we planned out our dreams for yo soy! this is the year we hope to ramp up the frequencies of our dinner parties and get our name out to the universe in hopes of opening the doors to a restaurant of our dreams! "UNIVERSE CAN YOU HEAR US! WE ARE ALMOST READY, GIRL!".

So, please send us emails and let us know if you would like to be invited to our next dinner! it is planned for the end of january, and on a sunday evening. The time frame of our dinners are usually three hours in length, starting at 7 pm. we will post an update within the week with the exact time and date, and with the food menu (and the end of the meal performance!).

we hope everyone had a safe and amazing new year's eve, and we cannot wait to share with everyone more of our passion in 2010!

toast, toast! clink! clink! 

happy new year!

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