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valentines day dinner for dos + march dinner date announced!

So, since brian and i both are still working in restaurants, we had to acknowledge valentines day a bit later than the rest of the world. Also, we both think that valentine's day is just another "hallmark holiday" so we had no issue with creating a nice "february feast for 2" on feb. 15th in our own home. It helps keep the intimacy factor high, and the "double-priced" dining out experience low. So, having been inspired by the prior days gluttony and champagne indulged tables we waited on, I went out and purchased a nice bottle of red wine, and a bottle of sparkling rose and 2 filet mignon and 2 lobster tails. Brian was a bit surprised to find I had done this, and having given him about an 8 hour notice for him to create a menu for the 2 of us, he was a little more delighted than i thought he would be! He knows that i am a sucker for food with a bit more of an edge to it, as far as heat is concerned, and also foods fried make me jump for joy! We also have been thinking about the mexican and chinese marriage we had initially started our journey with, and how we kinda strayed from it, wanting to focus on mainly "latin inspired" vs. mexican and chinese combined. I wanted to get back to that, and to get inspired all over again. With this renewed vigor for our original idea, i asked him to create a recipe with the filet mignon and lobster using the chinese and mexican concept! I could not have been more pleased! It was great! He made his infamous carrot star anise soup that made me fall for him five years ago, he did lobster tail tempura with a jalapeno aioli partnered with a chinese 5 spiced filet mignon with pickled onions and corn! I fell in love all over again, with food, our original concept, and of course the chef. Dessert was left to me, and since i am a huge fan of sandra lee's food network show "semi- homemade" my idea for dessert was to utilize the box of turtle mountain's "so delicious " dairy-free ice cream (since i am self-diagnosed lactose -intolerant) we had in our freezer. i puréed cilantro with a bit of sugar and ginger powder to a point of liquid consistency and then took 5 huge scoops of ice cream into a stainless steel mixing bowl and slowly poured in my purée churning it slowly together. i then put it back in the freezer for about an hour to let the flavors of soy and sugar and cilantro and ginger become acquainted. I loved it, brian, well..eh, he might need some time to take it all in! here are the pictures from the dinner by numbered courses:


so, winter is STILL here in chicago, and we are trying to survive it, so we are going to try to warm our hearts a bit more by having a dinner SUNDAY MARCH. 21st, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. it will be back to our original idea of mexican and chinese cuisine! please be on the lookout for the emails which will be coming out this week with the invite for you to attend! once again, space is limited to 12 awesome people... so, please, please don't take it personal, it will just make the dinner in april be that much better! it's also a steal at 50 dollars suggested donation per person for 3 courses , cocktails and wine pairings! yum! yum! glug! glug! i will post a menu this week! 


mikey and brian




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