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seats for purchase for june. 20th extravaganza!


seats are now available for june. 20th's dinner at 7 pm! get them while they are hott! we have yet to come up with the menu because we are going to be taking a trip next week for inspiration. we are both headed to corpus christi, texas where the mexican food is plentiful, and the chinese buffets are a dime a dozen!
as for the june.20th din-din we will definitely have four courses as per usual, and also our fantastic guest performer (yet to be announced), and this time around, i swear, we will make it to loteria! we all got a little too carried away last dinner and forwent the game, but i swear by my moms beans we are going to play next dinner! so grab uno, dos or tres seats because next dinner is sure to be a hot summer sizzling one! ay-yi-yi!
june.20th dinner is !!!SOLD OUT!!! send an email if you want in for july's dinner! it's going to be a blast!



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