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2 days and counting!!!

(above: stephen leonard and his flying guitar!)


we have our menu set for the dinner on sunday! we are doing a bit more tweaking and tastings throughout the weekend, but for the most part here it is:

cocktail hour:  watermelon basil margarita paired with corn cups of tropical salsa and shredded chinese chicken (or mushrooms)

1st course:  chilled avocado soup with szechuan crab and fresh lime

2nd course: spring rolls with braised oxtail (or mixed veggies) and plum reduction

3rd course:  pork loin with apricot and soy glaze with bok choy, jasmine mexican rice 

4th course: chinese 5 spice flan

so there it is ! we are really excited about the meal, and evenly so about STEPHEN LEONARD performing after the 4th course! he is totally amazing and i cannot wait for him to blow the socks off of all of our guests! 

ALSO, there is one seat left over, so if you have been itching to come, get it and let's eat, drink and do it all over again!


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