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sunday 08.29.10 dinner is so "corny!"

hopefully you all had a chance to catch us on the wciu's "you and me this morning" show where they featured a segment on yo soy and underground dining. it was a remarkable experience and a lot of fun to see how things work behind the scenes of these shows. we mentioned on the show that we get many influences for our recipes, and one being local harvest. check out the vid here:


now that the tasting has been done, the interview finished with, we finally have the menu for next week set in stone! we are celebrating the harvest of corn and all of the great flavors and treats that they bring, so i guess you could call this the "estudio de maiz" or an "a-maiz-ing" dinner! hahaha! we promise, there will be no candy corn on the menu! 

we are going to start shucking away this weekend to preparing the following menu:


summer chilled corn soup + smoked chinese bacon 


chinese chicken tamales + sweet corn puree + sliced snow peas


crispy chicken w/ chipotle honey szechuan chile glaze + chinese potato salad


 sweet corn and white pepper paletas  

we are still working on what the passed appetizer will be, but you can bet it will be something with corn! as for the cocktail, well we will give you a break there, as i am not sure how in the heck to get corn to taste amazing in a mixed drink situation! so, i will see what great fruits they have at the market to mix with and come up with something refreshing and relaxing!

here is the button! let the deliciousness begin!!!

how many peeps?!

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