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the things we did with corn!


we thought that we had made a huge mistake by incorporating corn into every course simply because we had no idea how the dessert course would be.  we also thought that by the 3rd course, corn can be a little blah. well, it turns out corn is extremely versatile, in a albondiga (meatball), in tamales, as a soup, roasted, and frozen! it was awesome! 

the cocktail we started with was going to incorporate corn, but i thought it may have been too much, so we left it at ginger and pear margarita made with fresh lime, agave nectar, and rimmed the glass with salt and white pepper! the guests seemed to enjoy every bit of it, and it made for a great refresher to the summer heat we were experiencing! 

side note: we truly appreciate the guests that evening for getting into the whole "last weeks of summer" mentality and not complaining about sitting outside! everyone, and i mean everyone was a great dining companion that evening. we are still getting emails from everyone about how fantastic the others were and how new friends were made that night. 

the hit of the evening besides the margaritas seemed to be the corn soup with fresh cilantro and chinese spiced thick bacon!!! and of course the main dish which was the chipotle + honey + 5 spice glazed crispy chicken with asian potatoes and a roasted corn and jalapeño salad!

the most shocking, for us, was the dessert! the sweet corn and blueberry (pictured above) paleta! it had szchewan peppercorn in it for an added twist! it was delish!

And after dessert we had the amazing singer Jess Godwin perform, she was absolutely amazing! She really outdid herself, we can't wait to do another dinner with her!

stay tuned for next dinner date in september, we may go themed once again with the success of this one!


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