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fall is in the air!

recently the weather in chicago has had a bit of chill in it, which both excites us and worries us. it means the muggy hotness of summer is beginning to cool down, and excites us to be able to indulge in cinnamon spiced foods and creamy squash dishes! it also worries us, because right around the corner from fall is the bone-chilling chicago winters that everybody here loathes!

the weather this september has been beautiful, and brian and i have not really had a chance to get out and enjoy it. we have been so caught up in last minute travels to hometowns, and with our everyday work lives, that we feel like "nice chicago weather" is quickly slipping through our hands! so, in order to give ourselves a bit of r&r, we are having an abbreviated yo soy dinner for september. we are going to limit the courses to 3, and also limit the guests to 10. it will make for a truly intimate dinner, and also will allow brian and I to be able to have some free time to get outside and hit the outdoor markets before they bid us adieu (er, i mean adios!)! and of course, since the courses are being reduced, so will the suggested donation of $50! the dinner for this month is at $30 per person! wow! even or guests' pocketbooks will be getting a bit of r&r as well with this mindset of ours!  so , mark your calendars and starve yourself for that day because this fantastic dinner all happens 09.26.10 at 6pm. also, we would like to put our past yo soy guests at the head of the line for this dinner, as somewhat of an appreciation, and also to toast along with us the beginning of a new season and goodbye to another! we will conclude the dinner with a game of loteria (mexican bingo) and this time i highly encourage everyone to bring your quarters! in true chicago style, it is "pay to play" time! hahaha!!!

so, if you have been a past guest of ours, we would love for you to join brian and i for this dinner. if you are a virgin to yo soy dinners, please don't feel left out, as the fall and winter menus that we are coming up with are FANTASTIC! and we will soon get to meet you, and feed you!

i will post the button this weekend to book your seats, old friends, and i cannot wait to indulge in a huge bowl of carrot star-anise soup with you all!

adios summer, you will be missed,

mikey + brian

mikey + brian

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