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yummmm...we have a new favorite!

the dinner on sunday featured a dish that has made its place in our hearts (not for caloric reasons!) forever! it was the cajeta chicken cooked in chinese clay pots that wowed all! the carrot star anise soup is a quick 2nd all time favorite (which was also served). the menu, the guests (new and repeat) were all amazing. we had our all time faves like paola (now living in san fran), ken (who is always the first to reserve a seat for the past 5 dinners), niko (the greek god), and the newbies like noah (who hates all of the pics of him), david (who won all of the loteria money), stephen miranda (who actually is mexican - chinese!) and of course adam (my new neighbor) and our token straight joe dolan! 

the fun started with the concord grape + ginger margarita and passed chinese pork empanadas. the fun then moved to the table where we enjoyed the carrot star anise soup, and then the cajeta (mexican goat cheese caramel) with chinese long beans and mexican rice. we concluded the meal with homemade horchata ice cream that sat atop a chinese pear cobbler. most of our ingredients were sourced form the green city market in lincoln park, including garnishes! the meal was extraordinary! 

to put a twist of entertainment on the evening, the loteria cards were brought to the table! it was a blast! i definitely want to send a quick "i'm sorry" to the employers of our guests from that evening, because i am totally positive that not one of us were functional monday morning! a true sign of a great dinner party!

stay tuned for the date for october! 


mikey + brian

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