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jonesin' for some schweet sweets?

we are so happy that one of our talented guests turned into collaborator for our Cinco de Mayo supper is doing her first ever dessert social! her sweets are delicious, and any people at our "french flipped" supper may remember, she specializes in gluten and dairy free sweets! check it out:

D-ology Social is this Saturday June 22nd, 2013 6-10pm

There will be three courses of gluten-free and vegan deserts to choose from.  Everything from cake pops and cookies, to cupcakes and mini-cheesecakes.  That's right.  Mini-cheesecakes!

There will be live music from American Idol Contestant Kez Ban (don't worry, she's one of the good ones) and by the awesome Jen Noel.  Oh and did I mention: FREE WINE!  That's right, drinks are on us.     

Tickets are through Eventbrite, grab your ticket here 

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