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The next you soy date is set for Sunday July 14th, 2013 AT 6:30pm! Mark your calendars and get ready for the release of the seats this week! We have been busy boys in the kitchen lately preparing and testing for the June 27th "a mexcellent" summer meal, and cannot wait to present the meal to our eager, hungry guests at the table! We have come up with so many menu ideas that we almost had to turn the meal into a 10 course feast of "mexcellent" dishes, but alas, we have narrowed it down to the final five! We have to admit the process of making and tasting this week has got our creative juices overflowing for the next supper, and we are predicting the julio (july) supper to be just as over the top as June's! We will send out emails in the next few days for the opportunity to grab your July supper seats, so stay tuned!


the boys of yo soy

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