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our "Mexcellent" supper pictures!

The meal that was shared with the group this week was nothing short of "mexcellent"! We had great, pun-ny titles, we had a great performer, fantastic diners, an amazing space, oh, and we had steven page at our table, too! It was a night to remember, and one we will not soon forget since it was being filmed by a show called "Illegal Eats" which features cool, off the beaten path places to dine around the country. The meal was punctuated by Chicago subway performance vocal artist, Osvaldo de Moreno, who mezmorized the group with his tunes and crazy great voice. There was also a great impromptu alley performance by steven page! his voice took over the alleyways of lakeview neighborhood when he started belting his tunes from his new album! so.awesome.

check out the photos:


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